
Big girl last night...

We are big fans of Annie around here. We saw the play with GG, Ella, and Aunt Jaime just a few weeks ago. Then we watched Ann of Green Gables yesterday morning. Big girl must have noticed they had something in common.
Getting out of the bath tub last night she says, "Mommy, I need you to tell me something. Are there really orphans in this world?"
So we talked about it.


Anonymous said...

I've read you're entire blog today and must say that those girls have the best mom in the world on their side. At various points during the blog I found myself with tears rolling down my face, and when I was completely through, I went to my knees and said a prayer for you and your beautiful family. You guys deserve the best! I love you very much, and I see where all the love in that big heart of your's is going...and it will not go unnoticed! May God bless you in all you do! I love you!!!

Anonymous said...

jess...the anonymous comment was from me, brandy jones. i can't remember my google address.

Ashley said...

Aww, that almost made me cry.