
Over the river and through the woods...

To GG's house we went.

Working weekends has kept us away from North Alabama and my family:( This past Friday we headed that way after school. We were SO happy to be at GG's to visit! Lilah had her first sleep over (without me) on Saturday night and everyone arrived back at the house happy, bathed, and sad to see GG go on Sunday.

I had a blunder on my way back to Birmingham Saturday morning. I made it to Trussville before I realized I needed gas. Off the interstate I went and was pulling into the gas station when it occurred to me that my wallet was in Lilah's diaper bag a little over an hour away. I would like to say that is where my cell phone also was but the truth is the cell has been lost for weeks probably somewhere at the house(haven't I said I'm terrible with the cell phone?). Anyway, I didn't panic thinking surely there was some cash in the car. Nope. I was certain they wouldn't take candy or children's books as payment...I had plenty of that/those. SO, a kind man who was purchasing a cap at the gas station at 8am lent me his cell phone so that I could call my husband (who had been up all night for a youth lock in at the church) to come bail me out. He was there in record time and didn't say one think to me about it (other than, I think you can make it on time). I can say with confidence that anyone who knows me well would agree that this incidence isn't terribly surprising. I kinda do things like this. That my husband doesn't rip my head off about it...about having to drive half an hour after no sleep to buy my gas...about having to call my work FOR me because yet again I don't have a cell phone on hand...really humbles me and makes me question how I would have responded had the roles been reversed. Not so gracefully I can assure you.

Anyway, back to GG's:
(1)It feels good to be "home" even if I never actually lived in the house where my parent's now live. It's always good company and good times.
(2)When GG's around I actually exist in photographs.

Even if it is a photo of the baby crying and myself in pj's. Who cares? There will be proof one day that I was there too...that I held these babes in my arms once upon a time.
(3) When I'm there I get to be the daughter and my mom takes good care of me:) She even had a lunch packed for me. How sweet is that?
(4)She has a fun house with a closet full of toys and fun activities planned for my kids.
(5) She loves everyone the same:)

How is it already the end of another week? My mantra these days...where does the time go?
Be back soon with some Halloween fun!


Stacy and John said...

You are a better woman than me. I would have gone into major MELTDOWN mode and probably called into work (or shown up with tears running down my face!). I need to learn some of your outlooks before I'm a Mom one day. You just have to roll with the punches.... so out of my character. Glad you made it to work!! I think I'm going to go put some emergency money in my glove compartment right now, thanks for the motivation. :)

Ashley said...

Hey Jessica!
Your girls are gorgeous! I am so sorry to hear about your gas crisis. I am just glad to hear that I am not the only other person that does things like that. We, crazy moms, need to stick together and vent on our blogs. Very good therapy!! Gooding "seeing" you.