of a mom of three...
1:30am: Squawker starts squawking which results in one (unsuccessful) attempt at being plugged with the paci and then straight into bed with the parents because, let's face it, I'm ready for some rest after my work week(end). Tough love will start tomorrow night. promise.
3:30am: Little girl slides into our bed announcing that she has thrown up in her bed. Quick pass off of squawker and then downstairs to make a sick bed on the couch with a promise to return shortly. Pepto in the belly. Mouth rinsed out.
3:40am: Bed is stripped and now in the basement washing sheets and comforter. Thinking: I wish Little Girl hadn't seen Baby Girl in bed with us. Also thinking: Why didn't I put the baby back in her pack 'n play instead of handing her off for her dad to snuggle? Am I an enabler?
3:55am: Back to the couch with Little Girl. Her head at one end, mine at the other. "Leg cuddles" I tell her.
4:30am: Hear squawking. Go upstairs to feed baby. Put her back in the PACK 'N PLAY. Look longingly at my comfy bed and then head back to the couch for more leg snuggles.
Unknown time: Wake up to sunlight. Head upstairs. A tousle-headed Big Girl is getting dressed and tells me "I must have fallen back to sleep." Realize it's 7am and a quick assessment tells me BG woke up on her own and only thinks she "fell back to sleep".
8:30am: Getting a shower with a curtain separating me from squawker playing in her bouncer and Little Girl rummaging through drawers and chanting "Bub-ble Bath" and "Straw-ber-ry" over and over again. I realize unintentionally that if I plug my ears and put my face into the water I can hear absolutely nothing. Amazing. I store this in my memory bank.
8:35am: Get out to find Little Girl with a gob of antibiotic cream on her forehead on a non-existent boo-boo with now-greasy hair flopping over into her face. I ignore my unpleasant thoughts and cover the spot with a band-aid.
9:20am: On laundry load #3 and think to myself...even on the bad days/nights it's really not so bad.
How's your Monday?
First I'm going to say, I'm so sorry that LG is sick! But, I'm laughing out loud that you still put a band-aid on the non-existent boo-boo. I have totally done the same thing so many times!
I'm sad little girl is sick, too. What a crazy Monday. That was only an 8 hour time span, and I'm exhausted just reading about it. Of course, you handled it! Loved the part about covering your ears in the shower. What a great idea?! My Monday was not fun because I'm suffering from a sinus infection and am exhausted. I woke up 5 times last night coughing and WIDE awake from my decongestant. Looks like we were all UP last night. I pray for good sleep tonight for your house and mine. Glad I got to play with Baby Girl on Friday! SOOO FUN! :O)
i love your posts.... you really hold yourself up to such a high standard...i'm sure LG didn't think twice about baby being in the bed with you because she is a baby and thats what babies do sometimes, and no your not an enabler, but these thoughts are what make you such a good mom i'm sure! i hope thoughts like that cross my mind when i'm a mother! sorry about LG feeling bad! i hope she is better!
I'm exhausted after reading about your night! I guess I've forgotten about all those similar nights at the Bryant house. You'll forget them too : ) : ) The memory you'll have, which is a GOOD one, is that all this waking up during the night is with your whole family at home and under one roof : )Have a great week : )
You are a terrific mom! Don't worry about LG. I am in agreement with the other comments. She is the big sister now. She needs to see that sometimes babies need a bit more attention. Your worry about this shows that you are the best mom. I love reading your blog. You are hysterical. I will have to remember the leg cuddles. :)
Love you,
Ashley Patterson Carr
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