
Santa's coming!

And we're finally ready! We had a set back last week that brought our world crashing to a halt. I won't give details but just know that of the insignificant things that can turn your world upside down, this has been the biggest one thus far in our family's life. We're past it now though, up and running...all healthy and thriving and ready for Christmas!

Sam and Lizzie with Santa

The big girls' biggest wishes:
Sam- a nativity set. Yes, my almost eight-year-old will be getting a little people nativity set for Christmas and I'm just fine with that. We'll also be taking her and her sisters to the live nativity tomorrow night. She's into it folks!
Lizzie- checkers. She's had a really hard time naming specific things she wants but she told me that she asked Santa for checkers. I'm willing to bet he went out that very day to make her Christmas wish come true.

Lilah with Santa

Lilah would like some bottom teeth and to sleep through the night again (every night preferably). She would also like to crawl if it's not too much to ask.

I've been plugging along in my Disciple Bible Study. It's an amazing study if you ever get the chance to take it. I have previously had an embarrassingly small amount of knowledge as it pertains to the Old Testament and though I could take Disciple I three more times before I was solid in the OT, I have learned so much. It's been tough, you know...equating the God of the OT with the Savior that I am largely familiar with. It's been a struggle in my mind making them one and the same. As we finish up with the OT portion of our study and look forward to entering the New Testament, I can't help but look at Christmas in a whole new light. Never before have I been so ready for the birth of our Savior.

A child, a child, sleeping in the night He will bring us goodness and light...


Candace said...

lilah's first christmas! yay! and the girls are looking older! :( it makes me sad that i don't see them as much as i used to! Merry christmas to the whole family!

Ashley said...

They all look so cute!!