
These Children...

Are as different as night and day. One question we get the most is if they are biological sisters. They are!

They are most definitely their own individual little person. Big S is a sensitive child and shy with strangers. She's a sass! She's very girly and is looking forward to ballet next year. She is also very independent and can keep herself entertained for quite a period of time.

Little A is a ball of energy. She's LOUD and mischievous. She's also very lovey ("squishy", as we say). She needs to be right underfoot at all times! She's also girly but more sporty than her older sister. She certainly keeps us on our toes!

I can't say enough how blessed we have been with these girls! I asked my big girl the other day how we (me and JD) got so lucky to get such sweet girls. She told me very matter of fact that they (she and her sister) chose us. They are forever saying the cutest things! I love how little kids' minds work:)

Our social worker will return from maternity leave at the same time we go to court for permanency placement (early June). As soon as things are final with these girls I know that we will ask her to keep us in mind for a child that will fill the age gap between these girls and whatever biological children may follow. We want more...already! I so excited for our future and to see our family grow!

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