
Someone is turning five in a few days!

It's our little girl:) She's been too funny when asked what she would like for her birthday. One day her reply was, "A Christmas tree!" And once during bath she pointed to the plastic cup that I rinse them with and told me she wanted "one of those". A trip to the toy store was most definitely needed to clear things up.
We're getting pumped up for a make-up party (especially dad...ha!).

So...tomorrow we'll go house-hunting. I've felt restless all day, anxious to start looking. We move in 40 days (or maybe less???) but as far as preparation we are stagnant until we have some direction of where we are going. We haven't told the girls we are moving yet. We want to be able to show them a house so they can see where we will be living. To my big girl a new house equals a dog (we've always said, "We'll get one when we move into our new house because we'll have a fence there.") So I already know how excited she will be.

We're hopeful that by tomorrow night we'll have an idea of where we will be heading in a few months!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday little girl. Hope you have a wonderfully fun girly day full of friends, fancy frills and your new family!!!