I've been absent for awhile. We're moving in six days!!!! Is that excuse enough?
Wow, boxes everywhere. Things left unclean because why bother? A million phone calls about last minute real estate and mortgage stuff. Working the last four days in a row (12 hour shifts). Still processing all our emotions about not having court. Little girl pulling some really un-little-girl behavior on us. Sorting through all that.
Life spins on.
The girls:
Big girl today on the way to church:
BG: Mom there is a boy at school that thinks I'm hot.
Me (adjusting the rear view mirror so I can look at her): What does that mean?
BG: It means he likes me.
REALLY?!? First grade? Hot?!?
We had to let her dad know about that one.
Little girl. Goodness gracious. She's always been our handful but here in the last few days (when emotions have been high anyway because of all that is going on in our life) she's thrown us for a loop. At this point that's enough said. We're just perplexed. Sorting it out. Being extra patient. Praying. Loving.
On a sweet note I was thinking of the funny things she says:
Ant bed = Ant bit
Grave Yard = Gravy Yard
Lip Gloss = Lip Loss
Love this child. She pushes my buttons. Jonathan's too. She stretches us to our limit but, honestly, she's who she is and we love her deeply for it.
Her sister too, of course.
They are their own selves for sure.
BTW, for people who have lots of school age kids...how do you do it? It is a full time job remembering who has to bring what to school on certain days (JD is picking up an apple on the way home from work at this very moment for one big girl). What money is due. Keeping up with school library books. Who has what test on what day. Reading every night. Special shirt color day, etc. Writing letters over the weekend or other random grade level requirements. Fixing the right snack for the right child and putting it in the right back pack. And so on and so forth. It is manageable with two but I truly wonder how people with more elementary age kids get it together.
And I'm exhausted just reading about it! Do you see why EK very likly will be an only child....plus, I'm with 24 nine and ten year olds ALL DAY LONG. Not that I don't love it, I REALLY do....but it is exhausting.
Keep giving LG extra love, and we're praying about it.
Thanks for keeping us updated Jessica. You guys are always in my prayers. I was rummaging through my mom's books and found "The strong willed child." I asked her about it and she told me that it was because of me! I see traces of it in Fin too. Good luck with LG...
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