
This one is tough

More so than any other.
The truth is I would rather shut our blog down than stand before you exposing what has been broken. The bigger part of me, the less prideful part, recognizes that there are so many of you who have followed our family's story for years and have wrapped us in your love, thoughts and prayer. Why then, when we need it more than ever, would I take that away?
Though staying vague for the protection of my children, I will reach out for your continued love and support of our family.
I've been long on thought and short on word as I have tried to make any sense of the difficult changes that are going on in our home. After months of searching and coming up empty, I have given all to my Savior and trust that He is standing here beside me and that His plan, as a dear friend recently reminded me, is more than I could ever imagine. He remains my one true thing. He and my three precious little girls.
I know in time His love will pour into our hearts and make us whole again. For now, we are working through it.
Please above all else remember these three when you speak to God today.





melanie said...

Oh Jess. I am so sorry to hear of any trouble for your sweet family. This world we live in is sometimes one stumbling block after another. I am praying for you and your whole family, especially these 3 precious ones. The Lord will take care of it all, because you have trusted Him to do so.

With love and prayers,

melanie said...

Oh Jess. I am so sorry to hear of any trouble for your sweet family. This world we live in is sometimes one stumbling block after another. I am praying for you and your whole family, especially these 3 precious ones. The Lord will take care of it all, because you have trusted Him to do so.

With love and prayers,