
Happy List

After this chaotic weekend, it feels good to make a list of happy things:)

1. Five days in a row off work.

2. Having the pleasure of standing beside my oldest and dearest friend as she said 'I do' this weekend. And having the pleasure of photographing them a few weeks ago....

Congrats to Melissa and Stephen Boyer!

3. Snuggling with cuddly little A for the first 20 minutes of her nap just a few minutes ago.

4. Knowing that Jonathan will be home from his youth trip in just a few hours. Single parenting is not my strongest area. I miss him in more ways than one when he's gone these days:)

5. My mom, who helps pick up the slack. I know everyone thinks they have the greatest mom, but seriously, I do.

6.Less than a month 'til Disney.


8. This website. Thanks Case for the invite. If you read, join up and let me know what is good.

9. This new bag I got. Perfect size to carry the girls things (and mine too)!

10. Going to the zoo with Jaime and E.K.

Happy Sunday ya'll!


meg said...

love it jess! beautiful pics of stephen and melissa! Peasant top on Big Girl is adorable too...

Anonymous said...

They seem so happy (your girls) Hope things continue to go well and thanks for sharing their lives! I hope to one day be able to do the same for less fortunate children. Have a good week!