Back from the beach. The girls' skin is brown, hair blond, and we've got the swimming thing down pat. It filled my soul to be there with the girls and my extended family. Sunshine and happiness. They, the girls I mean, are just so content to be wherever we are, doing whatever we are doing. They've never had the opportunity to go to the beach or to the pool. They don't complain. Ever. They just seem to have fun doing anything. I love that. I have lots of pictures to share...I bought a new camera while I was there...but I'm still figuring things out. I'll post again soon with photos.
When we got back home there was a letter from the state (DHR) saying that they are buying clothes/shoes/etc for back to school and what do we need/what sizes do the girls wear. Plus, attach a school-supply list so we can get those things for you too.
I will never cease to be amazed at how the state provides for it's children. The girls being in the foster care system is a technicality as far as we are concerned. And to be honest, they need nothing. But it feels wrong to deny them services offered so we told them their sizes and what colors they like.
I know I've mentioned the church that held a parent's night out for children in the foster care system but that was only one example of kindness extended to us. It overflows. On our big girl's birthday she was sent gift cards from a group of ladies who just send those to foster kiddos out of the kindness of their heart. The girls are loved more than they will ever know. More than even we will ever understand.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for caring.
Thanks for loving them too.
Thanks for praying.
You are so truly blessed. Your story is so inspiring but not the norm. Your social worker is obviously wonderful as is your community support. I thank God that He is blessing you and your husband with these girls and such wonderful support. I am glad I found your blog because I too am in Alabama. Our process has not gone nearly as smoothly but reading about your family does encourage me to not lose hope. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Jessica! The pictures are beautiful...and your family is too! We continue on in this process and are finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel. You are in my prayers!
A line from the movie The Bucket List.... "find the joy in your life" I have found mine... those three little girls in that picture.How precious they are...we are all so blessed.
Love it! Thanks for sharing!
PRECIOUS girls! when can we babysit?!
Wow! I am so impressed! Our adopted kids all came to us through the foster care system. None got clothing vouchers or clothes. I had one foster child who actually got some clothes paid for with a grant that we had to fight for. But he came to us with the dirty, ripped clothes on his back and nothing more. He is the only one. I may just move to Alabama. :) You have decent health care down there?
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