Now THIS is exciting!
And we even got to visit with the mailman. The girls told him all about being sick yesterday (it was puke mania around this house). I'm sure he was thrilled to be on the receiving end of that conversation:)
Just some boring, normal, everyday life kind of stuff.
ps We are SO excited to be heading to the mountains this weekend! The girls will be meeting Jonathan's side of the family for the first time. We can't wait!!!
Very cute. My youngest loves our trash guys and I think it makes their day to see him come running out of the house like they are celebrities. Makes their job seem somewhat glamorous I guess. :-)
Hi Jonathan and Jessica,
Stacy and John told me about their blogspot, which led me to yours. I just read the entire blogspot and listened to the beautiful songs:) I don't really know you well, but know you are pretty special in Justin's life. NOW, I feel like you are MY new friends:) You are doing great with your little girls and everything is going to work out fine:) I feel it's a bumpy road with all the unknowns out there, but the little girls are receiving blessings each day from you, and even if the court dates are delayed, that's just extended days of blessings:) Don't worry about tomorrow...just concentrate on today. ( I have to remind myself of that all the time!!:) Love, Mrs. B
Wow! Your mom works at my dentist and we have been enjoying swapping stories about your girls over the last few visits. I have been crying as I read your blogs, tears of joy and understanding. My husband and I have experienced a similar situation ( a "GOD" situation) in the adoption of our now 5 yr old daughter. These girls are truly a blessing and your both doing a wonderful job being a blessing in their lives as well. I pray you continue to give God those "panicky" feelings as soon as they try to take over. (that's the only way I ever made it through) God definately has the control and he has already brought them to you and will continue to take care of them and all of you. I will have all of you in my prayers as you continue on this journey. I have truly been blessed just by reading your blogs and sharing in your journey.
God Bless!
Sheri Hyatt
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