Two weeks until school starts. Crazy. Weren't we just counting down the days until we went to Disney World?
Summer has been sweet to us but so fast.
After my three-in-a-row at work I headed up to GG's last night when I got off. She had the girls because JD has been out of town. It was late driving for me and I was listening LOUD to some music.
Singing along to the Indigo Girls until my throat hurt.
Those songs made me think of our beginning...mine and Jonathan's.
Made me remember...
Coffee and sailing and him showing me Seattle.
Showing him all the things that made me adore New York. And seeing him love it too.
Us living on opposite sides of this country.
Lots of emails.
Being so, so, very poor.
Each of us being exactly where we wanted to be.
Each of us doing exactly what we wanted to be doing.
Deciding to leave those things behind to be together.
Us meeting at JFK airport and driving from NYC to Alabama.
I love our story. I love how we met and how we came to be married. I love WHERE we got married. I love that we had four years to ourselves. And just as much as I love all of that, I love the story of how our family grew.
We sat on the back porch the other night after the girls had gone to sleep (We love summer nights! Heat and the sound of cicadas:)
We talked, as we often do, about the future. We wondered where our lives are headed and how we are supposed to know God's will for our family, etc.
So many times that can be questionable.
I told him that there were two times in my life that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was following God's will:
(1) Moving to New Jersey after Auburn and working at the Covenant House
(2) adopting.
Neither was an obvious decision. Both came with lots of thought and time and prayer.
Both lead to the most wonderful things in my life.
I can't say enough how blessed I am to have Jonathan.
What a wonderful, Godly man.
And how blessed we are to have these girls.
Perfect in their very own way.
I can't say that every moment of every day I fully appreciate the gifts of this life. But I know them full well.
Every once in awhile, I know it should be spoken.
Just in case the chance doesn't come again.
This is a warm and fuzzy post, I like it. I love yall and the family that yall have made. Yall are such an encouragement to me & John and we look up to you so very much. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday sweet Jess...
I loved seeing the girls the other day ..they ask where is the bride???
They are growing and so very happy
You all just make me smile and say thank you God for my wonderful family love to you all.
Aunt Debbie
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