Sweet little girl.
I came home from work the night before her birthday and watched her sleep. I kissed her little four-year-old hands and cheeks and tried to somehow freeze that memory. Sad for her to grow a little bit older but happy because she's happy.
She was so proud of her birthday crown and wanted to wear it to sleep last night. So cute:)
She also loved the make-up she got as a gift and I wish so much that I could post the pictures of she and her sister all made up. It's a good laugh! Big girl said they looked like rock stars.
Have I said a million times how happy I am that they are girls?! I would take ten more just like them:)
Happy Birthday 5th BIG little girl!
Very fun, that is so cute!
How long until they are finalized?
If only we could freeze time. :)
Hope she had a wonderful Big 5!
so sweet! I'm so glad she had such a great birthday. All birthdays should be special...especially when you're little.
So glad that Jon and the girls could make it to Uncle Eddie's birthday surprise party. We missed you ...such is the life of a nurse!
You know my heart. As I watched the girls all playing together (and my grand-dog Bailey) My heart was filled with joy. These beautiful girls are our family ...forever.
I am praying each and everyday that the forever finally gets here. We love you all.
Aunt Debbie
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