
A conversation with Big Girl

We whisper secrets at bedtime here lately. Usually they aren't anything secret but it's fun to whisper in ears so we do.
Tonight I whispered to big girl, "What are you thinking?"
And she whispered back, "I was thinking what if you got married tonight and had a baby."
And I said, "But I'm already married to daddy silly girl."
And she said, "Yeah, but what if you and daddy got married and had a baby and it was me and then you had another baby and it was Little Girl?"

So many thoughts about this.

It's such a wonderful thought for her to think. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and of course I would love nothing more than for her and her sister to be mine biologically.

That isn't how our family was made though.
I hope for her to never focus on that as something truly significant.
I hope she can be proud of who she is and how she got here.

We chose this path and I hope in the future we choose it again.
I too, though, crave the normalcy that a biological family has.
My one secret jealousy as a fostering-to-adopt mom?
It's so obvious I know but...
I look at mamas with their babies/toddlers/big kids sometimes and get so jealous of their forever.
I want so much for us to be that. For me not to think even one time in a single day anything other than this is forever.

Twelve days until court for TPR.
Thank heavens for the stress of moving.
It takes my mind off of what is coming.
We're ready.
How many times have I typed that?
We. Are. So. Ready.


Ashley Turnbull said...

Hey Jessica (I still read, but rarely comment),

What a sweet post! I can totally relate to being jealous sometimes; I, too, long to be a forever mom - in whatever way God blesses. We are just now at the beginning of the loooong road of adoption, and I fear having these same thoughts and fears as you. Your journey and story mean a lot to me, and I appreciate your honesty.

As for your court date, I will certainly pray for you guys and pray that God works all things out as He planned long ago. I cannot wait to see what happens! You guys are certainly a special family, and I hope we have such a testimony one day, too =)

Kelly said...

12 days : Sept. 9? I will be lifting your family up during this time. May God pour out His peace on you.
God bless you for opening your hearts and your home to these precious girls. What a blessing you are to each other.

Anonymous said...

Wow... this one brought the tears. Thank the Lord that you and Jonathan chose this path for your family...what lucky little girls they are. I too have my moments of worry, I can't even imagine life without them. They are no different in my heart than if you birthed them.... I know that you know that. We all can only pray that what is best for the lives of these precious girls will be granted. That for sure is to be with the two of you forever.. Thanks for being who you are and for stepping out of the box. Love you all, GG

Anonymous said...

So sweet. You have been so blessed with these girls...and they have been blessed with you. I am praying diligently for that peace of "forever" for you all!

Stacy and John said...

I was so glad to see the girls Friday night, and it made me realize again that they truly belong in our family. I know that God has a plan! Don't worry about the big girl statement... when you grow in a family of love the biological/adoptiveness just seems to fade over time.. regardless of how your family came to be, it's family. And, I'm praying for yall's. Love you!

Debbie said...

Normalcy is over rated!!!
Family is God's plan and our family is forever!!
Aunt Debbie