
Sunshine and Happiness

I have no intention of staying away so long. Really I don't. There is lots to say and update and write but the time escapes me...over and over again. Away from the blog though...in our home and life I feel like I'm on a role of accomplishment.
Lilah has been here for almost a year and the girls two and a quarter and I feel as though I am finally (FINALLY...for the first time in two years!) hitting my stride as far as balancing my roles in life. I'm a late bloomer folks.
We've been purging lots and lots of unused things. Getting organized. Our house is getting more "together" which makes me feel like a new person all together.
We are all very much looking forward to summer though it's gonna be a busy one. We had a little preview this past Friday when the girls were out of school.
We visited the park:


Between the water and the play area the girls stayed busy for hours.


Lilah refused her morning nap and did her darnedest to keep up with her big sisters.



A few minutes in the swing and she was out.


While her sisters played on behind her.


Be back soon!


Ashley Turnbull said...

Okay, that picture of Lilah in the swing - makes me want to eat her up. Man, she's cute. Precious pic, girl!

Kelly said...

You have been gone way too long!!! I love the pics. Mercy. They are all so beautiful.

Good for you, getting in the groove. 3 children in less than two years for a first time mom, I think you have done great to be in the groove this fast!!!

Come back more often. :)

Seige said...

LOL...that is so sweet...love the swing pics...funny!