

I've been meaning to introduce Samuel for such a long time now. SO without further ado, meet Samuel.


Samuel is a child our family sponsors through Compassion International. He is fourteen now (which blows my mind). He was nine when I first "met" him. Samuel lives in Uganda with his father, mother, and siblings. His mother, along with approximately 1.2 million others in Uganda, is living with HIV/AIDS.

Words can't say how humbling it is to know this kid. I sit over here and live my American dream and this young boy, in whatever his circumstance, writes to me and asks what he can pray over for me. It knocks the wind out of my chest.

He has told me he thinks of me as a second mother. He asks will I be able to come one day to visit him. Several years ago his sister had a baby and what did they name her? Jessica.

I am absolutely undeserving of this level of affection from Samuel but I'll take it and love on and pray for him and his family in return. He has been such an unexpected blessing in my life.

Compassion is an incredible program that not only allows you to correspond with your child but also arranges group visits to the various countries they support. In the five years I have sponsored Samuel, I have known of two group tours that Compassion arranged (to Uganda). One of those was while I was in nursing school and one was just after Lilah was born. It just wasn't in the cards.

I will go one day.

I can't wait!

The new year is coming up. Along with it many resolutions. Maybe, just maybe you might be looking for a way to make a difference in someone's life...to take action in something that is bigger than yourself. If so and even if not, I challenge you to think and pray over sponsoring one of these children. I believe it to be life changing. To all parties involved.

This is what it's all about, right?

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